Monday, December 10, 2007
I am going home! Yay!
1) Celebrate CNY! Yay!
2) Eat
3) Play mahjong!
4) Meet everyone that I can possibly squeeze into the 2 weeks time frame
5) Rest (yeah right)
6) Spend time with my family
7) I'm very open to suggestions
Will write more when I'm in the mood. Now my back aches. It feels like crap. Argh. Ok, later.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I'm da coming to da DSM
Quick update. I'm going to DSM on Friday! Yay!
But arriving like very early Saturday instead. Boo!
Though you people in DSM should still be prepared to be disturbed by me. Yay!
Ok enough, gotta go now. More later.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I will NOT complain about the weather...yet
I am writing because I am very bored of studying. And because I'm excited but too lazy to pack. Tomorrow will be the first time I'm sort of going away from the city since I've got to Chicago. I think this is the longest I've stayed put ever since I came to the States. I've been here for six months thus far and I desperately need a vacation. The kind where you laze around and not do anything. Yeap, like that trip to Lang Tengah, that was pretty relaxing. Eat, snorkel, swim, eat and then sleep. Repeat. I likey. Who's up for a trip like that?
Anyhoooo, to the hordes of complaining people, I will try to reply to my MSN messages as prompt as I can be. But rest assured, most of the time I do reply. Even if it's been a week or two. But I reply! Ok, I know. My bad.
Nah, some photos taken during one the friends farewell. She's going back to Malaysia and will get to celebrate CNY before she comes back (jealous betul).
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I will try my very best to come home for your wedding when it's confirmed. It's nice that I got to meet him and see you guys together. Take loads of pictures of your engagement and send them to me alrighty?
To the rest of you, please follow suit and go get married. Fast, you don't want to get left behind, do you? Hmmmmm?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
There should always be clear roadsigns in life
Have you ever lost something very dear to you? In which you then grieve over your lost for a period of time. And then just as you begin to get used to your lost, unexpectedly a new one falls on your lap. With the new, you start out comparing it to the old, how it's better in some ways but how it also doesn't live up to the predecessors shadow. It'll take you a while to get use to the new, given your attachment to the old. And recently, you decided that maybe you have warmed up to the new. And also, that's when out of the blue, the old decides to reappear. Now you have the old and the new. Do you stick with the new's new and it's a new choice? Or do you revert back to the old, which you've once grown very attached to?
It's not nice to have someone as fickle as me make such decisions.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
It's me again
Here are some pictures that I stole from everyone else cause I haven't been taking pictures thus far.

Taken at the Pride Parade. The poodle cute hor? Her name is Yaya.
Ever since I saw that donut walking around I wanted to punch it.
Alrighty, thats all for now folks. I'm actually cleaning my house and because I love to procrastinate when I'm doing boring stuff, I uploaded pictures to my blog. How wonderful. Oh and I think I'm very confused on typing because I've been using Unix at work and now I keep pressing the Esc button and from time to time, I will do weird stuff when I'm using normal programs like Word. This is horrible. My typing is now even worse than before! How can. Ok enough rants. Gonna go clean up. Ta!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Weddings weddings weddings
Sunday, August 05, 2007
This is a happier post
It's been a while since I've posted something happy. This may not be a happy post but at least it's not sad. It may be stupid though, no promises.
Remember a while ago I had flying watermelon in my apartment? Well, yesterday I decided I wanted to have a quick meal, so I threw a pack of tong fun (or su-un), some vege and some meat into a pot of broth and wala...a meal. Then as I was happily balancing the big bowl in one hand, a plate of chili and a container of leftovers in another, I walked over to my desk/dinner table/coffee table/shelf/utilities table/anything you can think of. I was nearly nearly nearly there when the plate with chili decides to give way and plopped on my cream colored carpet. If watermelon stains weren't bad enough, now I had to get rid of chili stains. So much of Fantastik went on the carpet again. Aih. It's still slightly pinkish but it doesn't look like someone died here anymore though. Or at least it looks like a badly cleaned up crime scene now instead of a fresh one. I'm clumsy, I know.
Soooo anyway, I'm blogging because I want to escape from studying. Haha, yes, I blog to escape. From anything I don't want to do. Yeap. And after Wednesday, its either I'll put up a barrage of entries or there will be none for a very long time. I want to put up pictures but I'm still waiting for them from my friends here. Cannot hint on my blog cause they don't know about it. I will make sure I hint big big on MSN later. Oh well.
BTW, if you guys are thinking that I'm suffering big time in Chicago from the previous entries, I'm not. I was actually really enjoying it till like a month ago when work became busier and exams came close. And now I'm quarantined till when the exam is over. Then I will hopefully be able to enjoy what's left of summer. As I've said above, I blog to escape but then I don't blog to escape from good times, so not much good things here. I will do that soon when I'm free. But then when I'm free I want to go out and play, so hence the dilemma you see. Just want to leave a note that I'm fine and dandy again for now. But when I hit rough patches, I will blog 5 liners and get everyone thinking that I might commit suicide in a blink of an eye. Till then, tata!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
It's been a very challenging week for me. There's so much I want to write but there's also so much that I can't publish here. There are decisions to be made and I can't seem to make any at the moment. There have been so many ups and downs that it has made a quiet day without any thinking, responsibility and company very precious to me. I know this entry will not make sense because there is no explanation to why I feel the way I do, but the thing is, I can't explain. If you care about me, just root for me in your heart, that everything will be fine in the end. Hopefully, when the time comes, I would have a better post with a crystal clear explanation for everyone to know. But till then, wish me luck.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Chicago, thus far
It's been awhile hasn't it? Life has been very busy and hectic. But then again, when is it ever not busy and hectic, right? Summer is a great time to be in Chicago. There are loads to do and I've made some really good friends here so far. I've just spent my entire weekend out and just having fun. But now that I'm back home, suddenly, I'm getting pangs of homesickness.
I hate being so far from home. I hate being away from people that I care about and that cares about me. I hate having to survive on my own. I hate having to do everything for myself.
I just want everything to be alright from now onwards.
I'm not depressed or unhappy now. I just wish I was home. It's not about the food, weather or places. It's because it will always be my home and it will always be my special place in this whole wide world. Always.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Edit: I wrote that on Tuesday. I think I was really unhappy that day. Though now, if you asked me why, I can't put my finger on it. Am I happy today? Not really, no. But I'm not unhappy. Life is turning into one big routine now. I don't like it but I think I need it for now. At least till I'm done with my exams. Or when I give up with them. Aih. Dunno la. I'm just in the mood for ranting again today. I think my blog is one big rant fest. But then it's better than bitching about other people right? At least I rant about my own stuff.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Trip #1 - Chicago
I can post up pictures, but the person who had a camera with him has not sent them to me (hint hint). So none as yet.
I have never imagined that I would make such good friends when I flew over to this country nearly 3 years ago. But I did. And I'm very happy and glad that they are now part of my life. A bunch of us keep in very close contact (ie work email everyday) and I think it helps keep me going. It's a support system that I'm very fortunate to have. I do hope we can stay this way as long as possible and not let anything get in the way. You know who you are, so I don't think I need to say more.
Ok, I will post more about the trip later la.
Monday, May 14, 2007
I am so not domestic....and am not made to be
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Man U yay!
I'm listening to BassAgents while typing this post. So hard to sit quietly and blog. I usually don't like hard dance like this, but this I actually quite likey. Damn noisy, hope my neighbours don't mind. Ok, this can be ignored too cause it has nothing to do with this post actually.
What is this post about? I have no idea yet. I just felt like I needed to write something. To keep those 6 ppl, in Msia, Uk and somewhere in Europe updated. Though I have a feeling not all 6 reads, but some will read and tell the others, so ok la. Hopefully.
So initially I had nothing to write about but now I do. SO, after taking a nice shower and deciding I should have watermelon followed by an awesome Baileys milkshake, I walk into the kitchen and grabbed the box of watermelon. I was walking out, busy stabbing at one of the pieces when the opened box hit the wardrobe door and the whole thing fell. 5 pieces of watermelon went flying on my cream colored carpet. I wanted to cry. It looked like someone had been stabbed a few gazillion times and left to die in my apartment. And I brilliantly tried to clean it by spraying loads of Fantastik on it while pouring water and frantically putting Bounty all over the stains. I hope it works. As of now, it's still wet so I can't tell. Please let it be normal again *prays*.
Trust me to give you stupid acts like this. Argh.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
June, please come.
Anyway, I've recently decided that I need a mp3 player. Badly. Cause my comp at work doesn't have the soundcard driver installed due to a bunch of reasons. So it gets boring plus it will help block out sounds when I'm doing my FAP modules (non-actsci, it's exam related). So, I went researching online and fell in love with the iRiver Clix2. One bad thing is that the 8gb version will only be released in June. I need it now!!! What will I do till June?? I'm not too keen on buying an Ipod, but if I'm desperate, should I? But I like the iRiver aloooot. AAAHHH. Dilemma.
On other notes, I wanna talk about my apartment. Ok, just the location for now. Right across of the building is......the Playboy headquarters! Yes, it is. I have been keeping a lookout for their models but no luck so far. more of you wanna come visit me now huh. And right beside, blocking 50% of my beautiful lakeview is a hotel. I have full view of a lot of the rooms. One night, I was standing at the window and looking across, I was curious if I can see any hanky panky going on. But there was none. Till now, I haven't seen anyone that has forgotten to pull the blinds down. Hehe. Oh well. I do not spy or stalk ok. And down the street, there's a hospital really nearby. Just in case of an emergency, it'll be really close.
I was told that the pool in my building overlooks the lake. One day, I shall check it out. Okie, enough for now. Ta!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The world is full of hope
At the pool place, there was a boy who was working at the counter, bartending I suppose and just looking after the cash till. And there was a girl there also, just hanging around and playing with her phone. We were playing doubles so I had time to sit and look around alot and I was watching the couple for a while. They were so sweet. I think this can be accounted to the Canto songs that was playing in the back ground and the setting of the place. They were just running into each others arms, hugging, and snuggling. Then at one point in time, she jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. It was as if I was watching a movie, and this was a flashback of the main character's first/puppy/young love. I kept telling everyone that they're so sweet, and cute. What was the comeback? "You jealous ar?" Haha, yah actually a little. I wish I was that young again, when the world was so much simpler. One of my friends there said something which I agreed was so true. *This is translated from Cantonese, and it sounds much better in its original form*
-When we are young, we are not afraid of loving and hating-
And as we grow older, we get hurt and we hurt others in the process. Then it is as if we had learnt earlier on how it will hurt if we burnt our hands, we try to keep ourselves safe and out of harm. We are then no longer the young naive girl/boy that is full of hope anymore. We are not longer not afraid.
But what I saw last night, I thought it was very pure and sweet. Yeah, in a smoky pool place.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
back online!
I've not been posting because I didn't have internet in my apartment for the past week. I think I had some withdrawal syndromes, but nothing major since I could still surf at work. Which I actually try to do minimally. So if I don't reply msgs at work, its not cause I don't like you, its cause I just try not to. Or maybe I really don't like you. Oh well.
Anyway, my apartment is still sort of bare, but its getting better. Was suppose to get a coffee table this weekend, but I'm just too lazy today, so maybe next week. I gotta get out and take a walk cause its so pretty outside. Very sunny and finally warm. I can't wait for actual spring weather! La la la. Anyhoo, so, yeah. I don't have much to say yet, but soon, I may come up with a post so long that your eyes glaze over just looking at it. But not now. Now, its gonna be a short one which ends here. Or here.
No, here.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
What I have done in Chicago thus far
Besides look for an apartment, I've spent most of my time in the hotel. One huge reason is due to the fact that I think its cold outside. So far, I've ventured out only to get food, look for an apartment, and meet up with a friend. Yeap, thats it. For three days. And I spent a lot of moolah online yesterday to make my apartment decent. I kept reminding myself to be thrifty and what not, but I just kept buying more and more. I love to be comfortable and cosy in my own place and thus a barebones apartment will just not cut it for me. But whats been deterring me from spending a fortune is that I don't actually have a fortune. Duh. Oh well.
On to other territories, I think that between last year and this year, I know a lot of people (myself included) who had hit some bad turf. Its probably due to our life changes, and I guess it is part of growing up. More often than not, we will all dwell in it and at that moment, it seems like its not worth it to be doing what we've been doing all this while. I can't say for sure that we will all survive every depressing moment and come out on the very top the next second, like how you see in movies. What I can say is that when things get rough, you can count on your friends to be there for you. They may not be able to pull you up, but sometimes, just knowing that you have their support can be good enough. I know that I'm not the best listener nor do I have a lot of time to spare, but I do sincerely want my friends to know that when it matters, they can count on me. Ok, sappy and unrelated, I know. I just had to say it.
So, anyway, I need to shower. Bye.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I wish I can fly first-class only
Here I am, at 5:30 am in JFK airport. There is still no internet here and I am typing this into WordPad first before uploading it to blogger later. By the time I reach Chicago, it should be 8:53 am local time there. That means it would have been 37 hours later from when I left KLIA. And by the time I reach my hotel, I would be dead, some 40 hours later. But die I could not, because I have a 1 pm appointment scheduled with apartment hunters to go scavenge for my future apartment. When will this long torturous journey end damnit??
I flew on MAS from KL to Heathrow and it was a fully booked flight. Which means, no free upgrades and being sandwiched for 13 hours. I've never bee upgraded for free (or with charge) before in my life. I've heard of it many times, but me, I have no such luck. So I figured maybe I would have it better with Virgin en route to JFK. Somehow, people like to go where I'm going, when I'm going. So, that’s another packed flight. The seats on V are much smaller compared to MAS (much like NWA or UA), and it’s a little cramped although it’s a 2-4-2 seating compared to the 3-5-3 of MAS. Also, the flight attendants are ALWAYS rushing on V and they tend to bump into me while I was desperately nodding off. The only upside is that V has a huge personal screen and it has a humongous library of movies.
When I reached JFK, I was really ready to stretch and enjoy some form of communication (i.e. my phone and msn!) besides with flight attendants and the person beside me. While on MAS, an Aussie dude was making conversation with me but it took so much effort as I was tired and trying to finish the first season of Grey's Anatomy (which I did), so eventually he gave up. So anyway, in JFK I thought I should get to whichever terminal that I would be flying from and stay there. *Long sentences and incoherence ahead*. That thought got me to walk really far, go on the AirTrain, get off the AirTrain, go up the elevator, then walk across the street, got some complicated instructions from a disgruntled guard, went down the elevator, walked around corner (this is outside in the cold, I only had a sweatshirt, sweatpants and slippers on), up the ramp, across the street, up a ramp again, crossed yet another street, only to be told to go back across the street, walk straight ahead and turn left. En route, my luggage, which weighs more than I do, fell 10 million times, the tiny little trolley got stuck 5 million times and the entire thing tipped over 2 million times. My hands were practically numb, toes were blue and I probably looked like some horror movie "thing". And this is not where the torture ends. Read on.
So this Terminal 3. If you are ever in JFK and is waiting for 10 hours in the wee hours of the morning and your flight should be in Terminal 3, DO NOT GO THERE TILL YOU ARE READY TO CHECK IN. There is practically nothing there but a row of chairs. No wireless internet, no cafe, no shops, no nothing. Nada. It took some effort to find the restroom and I had to go downstairs to salvage some food from the vending machine to not starve to death. I think I spent a good 3 hours on the phone, before venturing to find the restroom. When I was freshening up (yeah, still as fresh a stale fish after), some nice Chinese lady came in and tried to talk to me about some religion? Cult? I don't know. I didn't understand her that well with her and I doubt she understood me well too. After I was done, I tried to go downstairs to where I got a piece of pathetic bun initially to get some water from the water fountain or the vending machines. They closed off the area!!! Those bastards won't let me in and there was no fountain or vending machine upstairs. So I sat dehydrated for many many hours until a nice guy, who was polishing the floor heard me complaining over the phone (I also asked him earlier if there were any fountains on the floor) that I was dying of thirst, brought me over a whole bottle of water! I am forever indebted, but I did have my earlier doubts about him poisoning me and stealing my luggage. I'm still alive, so this makes me feel guilty for doubting a kind act.
Now, its 5:50 am, I have finally checked-in, got a piece of sandwich and a hot chocolate from Starbucks. My first meal in 10 hours. I thought when I have checked-in I would have wireless access. I was/am wrong. I'm still typing from WordPad. Someone kill me now. And people wondered why I didn't want to leave. Would you like to go through this torture? Are you masochistic? Huh? I hope it gets better from here.
Ps - I think this is the longest entry I've ever typed. And its really cold here. Why??!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one
I thought I was going to edit it but now I'm lazy.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Why must it be so cold in April?
Oh well, other news. I've been trying to pack and if any of you know me, you'll know that I hate packing. I hate it with passion. I never thought I would (fill with word that means hate but stronger) packing so much before I moved to the US. And then all hell broke loose the first time I had to move out of the dorms. I think between rushing to hand in that damn last minute assignment and packing, I wanted to kill myself. I was living on the fourth floor which is actually the fifth level of the building, so there was a high chance of dying. But I figured it wasn't a high enough chance. So, I had all of a couple of hours of sleep to be able to move out of the damn place. Argh, and so far, I've had to do massive (in my books they are massive) move outs 3 times already. Hated every single one of them. Yeap. I am usually more excited with move-ins but I dunno. We'll see how my latest move in go. But the point of the story is that I hate packing.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
No more rantings, for now
Anyhoo, there is something about Asian horror movies that scare the crap out of me. Before I had to stay in dorms or stay alone, I loved them. I wouldn't even think twice before watching any. But now, I'm a pussy. Yes. Those who watched "Shutter" with me can attest to that. Yet I still always want to watch it, but I mostly decide not to nowadays. Hehe. The nearest to a true horror that I've watched recently was "Unholy Matrimony". Mind you, the movie itself isn't that creepy at all. It was the whole scenario. We went to watch the movie at 12 pm on a weekday, so needless to say, the cinema was quite empty. So, before we went in, I went to the washroom. It was dark and empty, sooo creepy. And there were 4 stalls, in which 3 doors I couldn't open, but there was no one in there! So I had to use the only one I could get into, and I think I came out in less than a minute of being in the washroom. I kept thinking what if something rolled over from the next stall or if I saw feet or if there was something hovering above my head! Ok, so nothing happened. But it was still scary. And then when we went in, there was only one other guy in there, sitting at the very end, in white. So we sat down, in the middle of the cinema and also of the row to watch. And guess what, since its nearly "Ching Ming", there are quite a number of horror movie previews. One Thai flick preview was really scary with haunted images overload. So as you can see, right before the movie, I was already on the edge of my seat. And when the movie started, the overall situation just made the movie felt more creepy than it was. Ok enough with the creepy and scary words that I keep using. But yeah, now that I will soon be staying on my own, I don't think I'm gonna be watching too many horror flicks anytime soon. Oh well.
Monday, April 02, 2007
More rantings
Now till Sunday, my days will be short and my nights even shorter. I hate wasting time not doing what I really want to do. I don't know how it may feel like once I get to Chicago, but I'm hoping that it won't go downhill. I think already know how the sequence of my emotional rollercoaster would be once I get there. It starts off depressing when I initially arrive, and then when I get busy trying to settle down, I would have my mind off things and that would make it fine, for a while. And then one night after some time when I have time to ponder on things, then it won't be so pretty again. Sigh. So the key is to keep myself occupied until I come home again. At least thats what the best way I know off. Any better suggestions?
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Paint taste bitter apparently
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Mr. Bean = Torture
There is no title
Is it possible to miss someone who is standing right in front of you?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
No, I don't.
I don't want to be the one who spends endless sleepless nights thinking of how it is back home.
I don't want to be the one who dwells on what it would be like if only she had stayed.
I don't want to be the one who is all alone in a city where her best friends are at least a few hundred miles away.
I don't want to be the one who has to be independent all the time.
I don't want to be the one who you expect to act rationally.
I don't want to be the one who thinks with her brain and not her heart.
I don't want to be the one who is always in your thoughts, but rarely in your arms.
I don't want to be the one who would sacrifice her life for puny returns.
I don't want to be the one who you had to let go.
I don't want to be the one who had to let you go.
I don't want to do this anymore.
I want to stay.
Another shot of the infinity pool from the room.
More infinity pool pictures. Its lovely isn't it?
This is the other pool on the other wing of the resort. Where our initial room was. Its nice too.
The island was nice, though the beach had a lot of rocks and dead coral. It wasnt the white sandy beach that I had expected and when I saw it, I was a tad disappointed. But it was also there that I saw the nicest starry night ever. As you would have known, trying to take pictures of stars using my camera was a failure, so you just have to imagine me sitting on those beach chairs and staring into the sky. It was awesome. The island is not crowded, so it's good for R&R, but not so much for much else. The snorkelling wasn't that great, though I did see Nemo and a shark (it was big!). All in all, it was fun. I want to write more, but I'm in a hurry and my connection is funky. So just in case, this is all I'm writting for now. Tata!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Blogging spree
Well, one day before going on vacation, my throat tries to spoil it for me. I woke up feeling uneasy around the throat, and it was sore the whole day. To top that off, I was feverish off and on throughout the day and the special whipped cream is in the form of body aches. Bah, this sucks. I haven't been to Singapore long as I can remember. Which I don't.
I was reading the comic section today (it is NOT the only section I read btw. I read the Star almost from cover to cover) and I was looking all over to post the particular Calvin and Hobbes, to no avail. So I'll try to type it out instead (I know la, not the same, but still). It starts with Calvin and Hobbes discussing some jungle clearing activities, how sooner or later, it will all be strip malls and petrol stations. Then,
Calvin: I wonder if we can refuse to inherit the world
Hobbes: I think if you're born, then its too late
How true.
Because I am a kepoh-chi

Someone please stop me
Ever since coming back to Malaysia, I have been complaining that everything is so expensive. But, when it comes to clothes, I will then convert it to USD, and deem it cheap. Then buy. Muahaha. Though I think that has gone too far and I think I have been buying too much. Let's see,
1) 5 pairs of shoes (inclusive of 2 sandals, 1 heels and 2 peep toes)
2) Gym clothes (don't laugh) - 2 pairs of pants, 2 tops
3) Skirts - 2 (pairs?)
4) 1 dress
5) I don't know where to begin to count how many tops
6) 1 pair of jeans
7) Numerous accessories
8) 1 huge bag
9) Make-up (I bought so much from Ettusais that they gave me a red travelling bag)
10) 1 pair of pants
And all that is not inclusive of the
1) 1 wool coat
2) Stuff I bought while in London & Paris - admittedly not too much at all
3) 1 perfume set
4) 1 pair of boots
5) 1 top only
That's in the span of 3 months? Oh gosh. Someone stop me. Please.
I also have that vacation that I went for on top of the bills. But because those people at the resort forgot to charge me for 70% of the bill (though I tried to pay it off many times!), I sorta got a deal. Even while I'm typing out this post, I am already thinking of what else do I need to buy for myself. And my mum is calling me already cause we are going to pick up one of the skirts that I have recently bought. I am not a shopaholic. I am not. I hope not.
Thursday, March 15, 2007





Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sniff sniff..
When we're not delving into out of this world matters, our prolific religious speakers voices their mind freely, albeit, a little too quick for their brain sometimes. We Malaysians are ver flexible too. While others only look to whats hot and new in the future, we take a step back and rebirth ideas from the past as well. Remember how chastity belts work in the olden days to prevent promiscous and unfaithful activities? In the new millenium, it has taken on a new role. It can now be worn to prevent rape! We were always thought that prevention is better than cure right? So to avert rapists, we wear protection. Smart eh? I wonder who is suppose to keep the key.
Serious beh tahan sometimes.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Annoyed, very
I know this kind of entry will get most people reading it to think "Is she talking about me?". If you want to know, ask me. I'll tell you. But I don't think the people I'm talking about reads my blog. And trust me, I'll be truthful and honest with you. I'm very annoyed just thinking about some of the things that have happened. And when I am annoyed, people can tell. I don't like to pretend to be nice to everyone when I, in fact don't like them. If I have a problem with you, most probably, you'll know it. But once this problem is solved, then all with be fine again. I prefer that over pretending to be nice and friendly, but hate the person and complain to everyone behind his/her back. I don't think I get pissed off easily (though some may disagree), and its not hard for me to let it go either, most of the time. Ok, after typing for so long, now I'm bored and no longer that annoyed. See, I get over it pretty fast.
One more week!
I am in love with the island even before I've ever been there. I hope its as beautiful as the pictures. No, I hope its even better. If they have a hammock, I may fall so deeply in love with the place that I never come back. Ok, maybe they need more than a hammock. An incredibly cute guy would help too.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I have an announcement.........
Ok la, I can hear the laughter and fat jokes already. But really, I don't think I could do that since I was 15 maybe. Then yesterday, I thought I'd try...and I could! This means a lot ok. It means, that yoga and pilates helps. Maybe next time I could do those headstands. Ok don't laugh. Shheeh.
This is worthy of an announcement cause my sister and even my mum could do it. Then my sister declared me to be super stiff. But no more!! I can touch my toes!! Maybe after a few more classes, I bend over entirely and have my nose touch my knees like the instructor! I said stop laughing!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Because I'm in a good mood....
Saturday, March 03, 2007
2006 Vacations continued
Ok so it wasn't some pics. It was 2 pics. Pictures takes too long to load. And blogger can be slow sometimes. So, nah.
Concern friend (CF) 1 : Eh, don't eat so much. Later fat ar.
Me : That's my first bite ><><
C Family : When I saw you, I thought you lost weight.
Me : Really? :)
CFam : Yeah, then I realised it was your sister.
Me : (stupid), didn't lose weight la?
CFam : Actually hor, I think you gained weight lor.
Me : Argh.
Me : I'm hungry. Can you get me some food?
CF 4 : Its after 10pm. You shouldn't eat.
Me : But I'm hungry :( *pathetic, sad look*
CF 4 : You don't need the food, look, you have extras *poke*, see..*poke*
Me :....Go away.
Takkan I don't eat Malaysian food right?? I've been craving it for months, no wait, for more than a year! But then I also refuse to look like a dumpling. How??? Oh, I am also very lazy. Pig mar. My year, gotta enjoy it.
Monday, February 26, 2007
I lost my template ><
On pictures
More pics
Photos take forever to load
Japanese tea garden in some botanical garden in St. Louis.
The famous Arc. Or Arch. Correct me.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!!
I love CNY! I've missed the last 2 CNY's by being stuck in snow and under piles of books. No more of that, no more! I've been stuffing myself with loads of food, even before CNY which is awfully bad, but then, I've also been to the gym abit more lately, so not as guilty. And I went rock climbing today too, so I technically do more than just eat and sleep as most people accuse me of. I think I may have a slight fear of height. When I was going for the beginner rock climbing course, and we were bouldering (where the wall is lower, about 5 metres, and there are no ropes or harnesses, just a cushy mat beneath), and had to practice spotting (you stand under another climber and watch and perpare to catch if they fall), I had to jump down from the wall, which was pretty high. So there I was, about 3 meters up, and the co-instructor told me to jump and even with a fellow student below to catch me, I got a little scared. I looked at him and gave him a "are you kidding me?" look, and he was like jump! jump! Well, I didn't have much of a choice, so I took two steps down, and then jumped. It was pretty scary, heh. But if I'm doing top-ropes, I'm fine, no fear of heights at all. It just gets a little scary when I don't know where to go next or where to put my foot. Ok enough bout rock climbing, I digress too much.
So CNY. I miss gambling. A lot of my cousins are old and married now, leaving not many left to gamble or hang out with me. I miss playing black jack so much right now, but I'll settle for mahjong too. Though I've never been lucky in black jack and I'm not too good in mahjong (yet, I'll get there!), I still enjoy them very very much. Ok la, it seems like there is nothing much to talk about CNY anymore then.
Another thing is, I finally stopped procrastinating and have changed my flight tickets home. I'll be leaving KL on the 8th of April to go back to Chicago. But I'll probably have to stay a night in NY first. Hope K would be there and I can bunk in at her place. And then its off to Chicago to look for my apartment. Stupid me forgot to pack some spring clothes for when I go back, so now I onl have thick winter clothes (from London, Paris vacation) and also summer clothes. Nothing in between. Which means I should get a spring/autumn jacket from Malaysia, but there is nothing suitable. Nada. Argh. Someone who knows where to get nice ones please let me know. Highly appreciated.
Enough already. Gotta go eat. Ta!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i hate titles
Wanted list:
1) To go for paintball sessions
2) Play futsal occasionally
3) Play netball, even once is enough
4) Go for a spa treatment (massage, treatment, manicures...the whole deal)
5) Go for a swim
6) Lay at the beach
7) Visit a place I haven't been to in Malaysia
8) Watch a play
9) Club hopping
10) Go for a wedding (someone please get married and invite me)
Things that I have done/tried and want more:
1) Rock climbing (its actually quite fun)
2) Yoga (this actually hurts...the next day)
3) Yum cha (the more the better)
4) Bowling (I suck, and I have yet to pass the 100 mark)
5) Shopping
6) CNY!!!
The lists seem a little shorter than I had expected. I will edit this when I have more. I actually have one more list, and that's the list of things that I HAVE to do..and thats the not fun stuff. Argh. Dowan to post that la.
Oh lately, I bought myself this really big bag, well, big for me that is, and I've been lugging it around everywhere. I termed it "aunty bag" when I was looking around for one, and thats what my mum and sister been calling it. Whenever I go out with them, everything gets chucked with me because of my big bag. Its actually really quite big. I don't have enough things to put in there and because of that, looking for my phone is a damn big chore everytime. I always panic and think that I have lost it, and make others call it, but only to find it in the bag...somewhere. But, the space should come in handy when I start working right? Right?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
One Bangsar

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Pictures worth thousands of words
Part 1

Santa Monica at night is lively and inviting. Any other time, its gorgeous. This is definitely a vacation spot. I wanna go back. Very much so.
And then there is Vegas. A place unlike any other. Just go and see it for yourself la.
Grand Canyon left me with mixed feelings. When we got out of the bus (never take the bus, fly), we oooh-ed and aaaah-ed. Then half and hour later, when you're still looking at the same hole, its just, that. Oh well.