Sunday, August 05, 2007

This is a happier post

Halu all,

It's been a while since I've posted something happy. This may not be a happy post but at least it's not sad. It may be stupid though, no promises.

Remember a while ago I had flying watermelon in my apartment? Well, yesterday I decided I wanted to have a quick meal, so I threw a pack of tong fun (or su-un), some vege and some meat into a pot of broth and wala...a meal. Then as I was happily balancing the big bowl in one hand, a plate of chili and a container of leftovers in another, I walked over to my desk/dinner table/coffee table/shelf/utilities table/anything you can think of. I was nearly nearly nearly there when the plate with chili decides to give way and plopped on my cream colored carpet. If watermelon stains weren't bad enough, now I had to get rid of chili stains. So much of Fantastik went on the carpet again. Aih. It's still slightly pinkish but it doesn't look like someone died here anymore though. Or at least it looks like a badly cleaned up crime scene now instead of a fresh one. I'm clumsy, I know.

Soooo anyway, I'm blogging because I want to escape from studying. Haha, yes, I blog to escape. From anything I don't want to do. Yeap. And after Wednesday, its either I'll put up a barrage of entries or there will be none for a very long time. I want to put up pictures but I'm still waiting for them from my friends here. Cannot hint on my blog cause they don't know about it. I will make sure I hint big big on MSN later. Oh well.

BTW, if you guys are thinking that I'm suffering big time in Chicago from the previous entries, I'm not. I was actually really enjoying it till like a month ago when work became busier and exams came close. And now I'm quarantined till when the exam is over. Then I will hopefully be able to enjoy what's left of summer. As I've said above, I blog to escape but then I don't blog to escape from good times, so not much good things here. I will do that soon when I'm free. But then when I'm free I want to go out and play, so hence the dilemma you see. Just want to leave a note that I'm fine and dandy again for now. But when I hit rough patches, I will blog 5 liners and get everyone thinking that I might commit suicide in a blink of an eye. Till then, tata!

1 comment:

Jack said...

this is indeed a happier post!! :)