Malaysia somehow, always catch on to the weirdest trends. And on top of that, we also have brilliant home grown ministers who comes up with new and ground-breaking ideas all the time. For instance, in the name of science and carrying out scientific experiments under microgravity, our
astronauts will draw batik motifs and make teh tarik in orbit. This is so that when our students, tourists, or even ministers go overseas, they can smirk and tell foreigners (from countries who have been to the moon, preferable) that we have done extraordinary activites in space. Yay. Have you drank teh tarik in space lately? Hmhhhhh?
When we're not delving into out of this world matters, our prolific religious speakers voices their mind freely, albeit, a little too quick for their brain sometimes. We Malaysians are ver flexible too. While others only look to whats hot and new in the future, we take a step back and rebirth ideas from the past as well. Remember how chastity belts work in the olden days to prevent promiscous and unfaithful activities? In the new millenium, it has taken on a new
role. It can now be worn to prevent rape! We were always thought that prevention is better than cure right? So to avert rapists, we wear protection. Smart eh? I wonder who is suppose to keep the key.
Serious beh tahan sometimes.