Sunday, April 22, 2007

The world is full of hope

Last night, I went out for dinner with some friends. We ate some Chinese food in well, Chinatown, but there were so much talking going around that I didn't really enjoy the food cause everyone was engrossed in one conversation after another. They were a fun bunch. So after that, we went to play pool at a place nearby.

At the pool place, there was a boy who was working at the counter, bartending I suppose and just looking after the cash till. And there was a girl there also, just hanging around and playing with her phone. We were playing doubles so I had time to sit and look around alot and I was watching the couple for a while. They were so sweet. I think this can be accounted to the Canto songs that was playing in the back ground and the setting of the place. They were just running into each others arms, hugging, and snuggling. Then at one point in time, she jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. It was as if I was watching a movie, and this was a flashback of the main character's first/puppy/young love. I kept telling everyone that they're so sweet, and cute. What was the comeback? "You jealous ar?" Haha, yah actually a little. I wish I was that young again, when the world was so much simpler. One of my friends there said something which I agreed was so true. *This is translated from Cantonese, and it sounds much better in its original form*
-When we are young, we are not afraid of loving and hating-
And as we grow older, we get hurt and we hurt others in the process. Then it is as if we had learnt earlier on how it will hurt if we burnt our hands, we try to keep ourselves safe and out of harm. We are then no longer the young naive girl/boy that is full of hope anymore. We are not longer not afraid.
But what I saw last night, I thought it was very pure and sweet. Yeah, in a smoky pool place.