Thursday, April 05, 2007

Why must it be so cold in April?

Remember how I was complaining about not having spring clothes when I leave for the US? Well, apparently I don't really need spring clothes. Its as cold as winter. Bah. All I need are my winter clothing and now I'm hoping that my VERY DEAR and NICE friend in DSM will send my boxes to me soon cause I may freeze without my sweaters. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a cool April will continue on to a cool summer so that there will be no blistering hot heat wave going around. Pray, I say. Pray with me guys.

Oh well, other news. I've been trying to pack and if any of you know me, you'll know that I hate packing. I hate it with passion. I never thought I would (fill with word that means hate but stronger) packing so much before I moved to the US. And then all hell broke loose the first time I had to move out of the dorms. I think between rushing to hand in that damn last minute assignment and packing, I wanted to kill myself. I was living on the fourth floor which is actually the fifth level of the building, so there was a high chance of dying. But I figured it wasn't a high enough chance. So, I had all of a couple of hours of sleep to be able to move out of the damn place. Argh, and so far, I've had to do massive (in my books they are massive) move outs 3 times already. Hated every single one of them. Yeap. I am usually more excited with move-ins but I dunno. We'll see how my latest move in go. But the point of the story is that I hate packing.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

No more rantings, for now

Ok, I will stop complaining now. I just don't feel like it today. Haha, but that doesn't mean I won't rant tomorrow!

Anyhoo, there is something about Asian horror movies that scare the crap out of me. Before I had to stay in dorms or stay alone, I loved them. I wouldn't even think twice before watching any. But now, I'm a pussy. Yes. Those who watched "Shutter" with me can attest to that. Yet I still always want to watch it, but I mostly decide not to nowadays. Hehe. The nearest to a true horror that I've watched recently was "Unholy Matrimony". Mind you, the movie itself isn't that creepy at all. It was the whole scenario. We went to watch the movie at 12 pm on a weekday, so needless to say, the cinema was quite empty. So, before we went in, I went to the washroom. It was dark and empty, sooo creepy. And there were 4 stalls, in which 3 doors I couldn't open, but there was no one in there! So I had to use the only one I could get into, and I think I came out in less than a minute of being in the washroom. I kept thinking what if something rolled over from the next stall or if I saw feet or if there was something hovering above my head! Ok, so nothing happened. But it was still scary. And then when we went in, there was only one other guy in there, sitting at the very end, in white. So we sat down, in the middle of the cinema and also of the row to watch. And guess what, since its nearly "Ching Ming", there are quite a number of horror movie previews. One Thai flick preview was really scary with haunted images overload. So as you can see, right before the movie, I was already on the edge of my seat. And when the movie started, the overall situation just made the movie felt more creepy than it was. Ok enough with the creepy and scary words that I keep using. But yeah, now that I will soon be staying on my own, I don't think I'm gonna be watching too many horror flicks anytime soon. Oh well.

Monday, April 02, 2007

More rantings

Every morning when I wake up, the first thing on my mind is what else do I have to do today? This is then followed by the counting of how many days do I have left. And a few days ago, I have been calling MAS to reschedule my flight, but its all fully booked. All the way to April 26th. All I wanted was a couple more days, but nope, no avail seats maam. And after the initial dread, then comes the headache of the logistic issues when I get to Chicago. It never ends. To top it off, its not even noon yet.
Now till Sunday, my days will be short and my nights even shorter. I hate wasting time not doing what I really want to do. I don't know how it may feel like once I get to Chicago, but I'm hoping that it won't go downhill. I think already know how the sequence of my emotional rollercoaster would be once I get there. It starts off depressing when I initially arrive, and then when I get busy trying to settle down, I would have my mind off things and that would make it fine, for a while. And then one night after some time when I have time to ponder on things, then it won't be so pretty again. Sigh. So the key is to keep myself occupied until I come home again. At least thats what the best way I know off. Any better suggestions?