Thursday, April 05, 2007

Why must it be so cold in April?

Remember how I was complaining about not having spring clothes when I leave for the US? Well, apparently I don't really need spring clothes. Its as cold as winter. Bah. All I need are my winter clothing and now I'm hoping that my VERY DEAR and NICE friend in DSM will send my boxes to me soon cause I may freeze without my sweaters. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a cool April will continue on to a cool summer so that there will be no blistering hot heat wave going around. Pray, I say. Pray with me guys.

Oh well, other news. I've been trying to pack and if any of you know me, you'll know that I hate packing. I hate it with passion. I never thought I would (fill with word that means hate but stronger) packing so much before I moved to the US. And then all hell broke loose the first time I had to move out of the dorms. I think between rushing to hand in that damn last minute assignment and packing, I wanted to kill myself. I was living on the fourth floor which is actually the fifth level of the building, so there was a high chance of dying. But I figured it wasn't a high enough chance. So, I had all of a couple of hours of sleep to be able to move out of the damn place. Argh, and so far, I've had to do massive (in my books they are massive) move outs 3 times already. Hated every single one of them. Yeap. I am usually more excited with move-ins but I dunno. We'll see how my latest move in go. But the point of the story is that I hate packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will do my job properly...once you reached chicago and in dire need of sweaters, giv me a call... ;)