Saturday, September 15, 2007

There should always be clear roadsigns in life


Have you ever lost something very dear to you? In which you then grieve over your lost for a period of time. And then just as you begin to get used to your lost, unexpectedly a new one falls on your lap. With the new, you start out comparing it to the old, how it's better in some ways but how it also doesn't live up to the predecessors shadow. It'll take you a while to get use to the new, given your attachment to the old. And recently, you decided that maybe you have warmed up to the new. And also, that's when out of the blue, the old decides to reappear. Now you have the old and the new. Do you stick with the new's new and it's a new choice? Or do you revert back to the old, which you've once grown very attached to?

It's not nice to have someone as fickle as me make such decisions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.