Friday, May 25, 2007

Trip #1 - Chicago

I had a bunch of friends come over to Chicago for the weekend. I think it was our first gathering since...too long ago. But fear not, cause there will be lots more! We (at least I am) already planning the next one. Everyone agreed that it was incredible fun and wonderful. Friends came with their friends and at one point, there were 11 people sleeping in my tiny apartment. Almost all floor space was taken up, but it was all good. I love to have people (that I like) visit me, so come come.

I can post up pictures, but the person who had a camera with him has not sent them to me (hint hint). So none as yet.

I have never imagined that I would make such good friends when I flew over to this country nearly 3 years ago. But I did. And I'm very happy and glad that they are now part of my life. A bunch of us keep in very close contact (ie work email everyday) and I think it helps keep me going. It's a support system that I'm very fortunate to have. I do hope we can stay this way as long as possible and not let anything get in the way. You know who you are, so I don't think I need to say more.

Ok, I will post more about the trip later la.


Anonymous said...

sien lo...havent get to bunk in ur tiny apartment yet...

Su said...

then come to Chicago soon la :p

Anonymous said...

I CAME... and I went back back just too early.. ;P

Kay said...

I am glad that I am part of the work email support group! Yay!