Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I have an announcement.........

I can finally bend over and touch my toes!!!!

Ok la, I can hear the laughter and fat jokes already. But really, I don't think I could do that since I was 15 maybe. Then yesterday, I thought I'd try...and I could! This means a lot ok. It means, that yoga and pilates helps. Maybe next time I could do those headstands. Ok don't laugh. Shheeh.

This is worthy of an announcement cause my sister and even my mum could do it. Then my sister declared me to be super stiff. But no more!! I can touch my toes!! Maybe after a few more classes, I bend over entirely and have my nose touch my knees like the instructor! I said stop laughing!!




Anonymous said...

seriously can't stop bwahaha...

butter ghee said...

ooo i still cannot touch my toe..
n i also cannot do sit up even once..