When exams are over, I will be free to enjoy what's left of my life and summer. Was chatting with a friend the other day, and we were planning to charter a boat/ship/yacht/submarine out on the lake just for fun. It'd be nice to laze around with friends and sip drinks while we tan. Anyone interested?? Ehem, contact me if you are. Alsooo, I wanna go to Toronto. Be it a road trip straight from Chicago or flying all the way to Buffalo and pit-stopping at Niagara Falls first before making my way there. See, I actually have it all planned out in my head. Though there is nothing concrete planned out on paper nor do I know any details (includes having no idea on how to apply for the Canadian visa), but I could run you through a made-up itinerary that would hopefully excite you. Cause it excites me. All is welcomed!
Because I really should be studying instead of blogging, this post is longer than most of the previous posts. Why? Because of my love of procrastination and also the fact that my head is all jumbled with formulas and attempts to understand weird concepts made up by some cracked-up geniuses decades ago. Sigh.
Enuff for now. Must go back to the pits of hell for now. Ta!
Visa is not needed should you are traveling into Canada from the States. There is a one-time permit card where you can apply for.
-Immigration Department
i think that is not true.. bcoz we are malaysian, therefore we need visa even though we are at US..
sumeng.. when u planning to go?
i wanna go toronto too.. n i haven't get my visa yet, too..
hope u did well in ur exam (by the time u read this u probably finished ur exam)..
I want to go for yatching!!!!
Nice fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
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